Sunday, November 24, 2019

Thankful for Family

That’s a really odd subject! From the start, we need to admit it, we all have “different” family members. Sometimes they are evil, inept, odd, have bad habits, too “sweet”, obnoxious … well, with that out of the way, we can think about our family.
During the creation, on the sixth day, God created family. Think about the words of our Bible: “the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Man looked up, and saw all the things God gave him. First, there was the garden, then there were four beautiful streams. God provided gold, precious stones, aromatic smells within nature, stars in the sky by night, and the sun during the daytime. God gave man food and He gave man animals. But the Bible says there was no suitable companion. Man was lonely.
That is how families came into being. First there was Eve. Then God gave Adam and Eve children: Cain, Abel, Seth, and others. They had a large family, and probably enjoyed seeing their children playing. Families, as God made them provide for good support, communication, and entertainment.
Families can span multiple generations. I know that old people enjoy watching the youth in families. The older generation can also provide wisdom for every other person in the family, no matter what age. The middle generations provide support, and often do heavy lifting, caring for young children (or teenagers) and the elder generation. About the year 2000, I remember one man talking about his great-grandmother, born in 1803. He said, it is amazing, I remember sitting on her lap, and now that I am old, between the two of us, we have experienced two centuries.
Families have a past. Sometimes that is good, and sometimes that is bad. It all depends on what the past is. If it is one of harmony, we forget about that. If it is one where there were one or more ‘problem children,’ the offences are not easily forgotten. Lots of hardships exist in families, whether economic, health related, drug related, or criminal. Families cover for one another, and support one another, but members of the family get hurt, and have a long memory. That is sad.
Families often give care beyond the call of duty for one another. As I write this blog, I am caring for a relative who lives 2,000 miles from my home, for two months. It is inconvenient, but that is what families do. They provide for each other, either out of love or obligation, at times of need. The service saves money, and is more comforting than using a service, because we know each other, likes and dislikes.
We can be thankful for what our family has done for us. Sometimes we do not realize that. But ask the questions, who would have fed us, dressed us, cleaned up or poop … if God had not given us parents. Who would help us in our years of ill health or dementia, if it were not for children (or other relatives). Who would have helped us get our first car, our first house, or our first job … if it were not family. Families who are caring and supportive make a huge difference in life. Make sure this Thanksgiving … to give Thanks to those who have really helped (In the past year, or further back). Few people would make it in life without family support.
We can be thankful for families beyond our own: Friends, neighbors, work, for these people are present in our times of need also. Some people who do not have biological family find a strong network of friends is very helpful. They even call them family … and they are, because family includes people you identify with, talk with, assist, and who assist you.
We can be thankful, when family is near, because we can get together. Even when discussions are difficult and we wish we could impeach our sibling for their political beliefs, it is still good to be family. No matter what the discussion, remember the good things that obnoxious people in family have done (or those close to them), and give thanks to God for being part of a family. It takes all kinds to be a family, probably because we need the different skills God gives to each.

November is a month where thanksgiving is highlighted, and we are to give thanks for our family … whoever, and wherever they are. At least we have family, and for that we are thankful.


  1. Fifty years ago, I wasn't so grateful for a trombone playing brother, but today I'm very grateful for you and the rest of our wonderful family.

    1. Thank you, Anna. Happy Thanksgiving. We will talk soon.
