Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Three Fathers

I have been given three special fathers to love and to learn from in this life.

One is my earthly father, or "Daddy," who I had the privilege of knowing and learning from for sixty years of life.  He was there when I was born, and gave me part of life.

The second father was "Dad" to my wife, but I called him "Bud."  While many are estranged when it comes to in-laws, I was blessed with a second dad who loved me as his own, and who I loved as my own.  I knew my second dad for 32 years of life.

Both of these fathers have been teachers, mentors and friends.  They have been teachers because they attended the school of life before I was born.  When I was 30, I realized both men had lived twice as long as I had.  Both men had much to teach me.  My earthly dad taught me piano how to swim and much, much more.  My second dad showed me how to care for daughters and to eat breakfast with friends, and much more.  I learned much about life from these two fathers ... more than I can write and more than you would read.

These fathers were mentors from whom I learned many things.  They celebrated with me in good times and walked me through hard times, sometimes giving me financial, emotional and spiritual help to get through.  They could be strict and unbending, but at the right time and in the right way, so it always helped.

These men were friends with whom I could converse, sharing life and lessons and all they had.  Both died nine months apart ... to the day, and will be missed.

I mentioned three fathers - it's in the title, for without my third Father I would not lave life.  This father is my Creator, the Lord of Heaven and earth.  I call Him "Lord," and I call Him "God."  He has been there since my birth, and before, and will be there always.

This Father loves and desires that I love Him.  Life has been a discovery of who this Father is and how much He loves, because He is often considered "unseen;" but to those who know Him, He is always present.
This Father has been a teacher, mentor and friend who knows my every need, and who has given to enrich my life through His Word and His presence.

This Father has cared for and given both my other fathers a home, and He has given me a trust that one day I will see both my other fathers again... and that life is not over ... but only beginning.