Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spring: Connecting with God

As I stepped out of the door of my home today I saw my daffodils are in bloom. I pulled them all up last fall - they were clumped together in big clumps - and I replanted as single bulbs. About a third of them are in bloom.

I addition there are some trees in bloom at the entrance of our neighborhood. They are pink. God is at work to bring enjoyment to our eyes.

Each season has it's beauty (there was snow on the ground two days ago). As we see the complexities, the varieties, the intricacies of the world around us, we know God is in control. He loves us.

Do we love Him? God desires us to connect with Him more than daily. God desires for us to thank Him, praise Him, and just to talk to Him about His love for us and our love for Him. He is the Creator of the universe, and He does listen - to you and to me.