Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Self Quarantine in the Bible

Self Isolation orders are being imposed in the United States and around the world. This methodology is being used to fight a terrible disease. This is not the first time social distancing has been used for protection of society and personal safety. Self and community imposition of restricted movement can be found in many places and for many reasons in Scripture.
The Desert of Zin, a place Israel might have visited when distanced.

Government ordered restrictions for health reasons were imposed by Moses in the Bible. The disease of the day that brought about the need for isolation was leprosy. This highly communicable disease begins with “a swelling or a rash or a shiny spot” on the skin. Anyone infected must go to the Priest for testing. If the test is positive, “the priest is to isolate the affected person” for fourteen days, with a visit for observation in the middle. (Numbers 13)

Social distancing was imposed on people with confirmed leprosy until they were either cured or died. There were enough people with the disease in Israel that colonies were formed. (2 Kings 7:3) The diseased person was ordered to “wear torn clothes and let his hair hang loose, and he must cover his mouth and cry out, 'Unclean, unclean!'” (Leviticus 13:45) The quarantined person was forced to live outside the city. Some of these people eventually came together and formed a community of illness.

Forced quarantine was imposed on people for a multitude of reasons in the Bible. One interesting case is that of Noah and his family (Genesis 6-9). God placed Noah and his family into isolation in an ark in order to prevent an infection from evil that had become rampant in the world. The healthy family was placed in an Ark, so they would not be infected. They were confined for almost a year before they were released.

In a similar fashion, the Hebrew people were isolated from the world during their forty year journey in the wilderness. Through Israel’s social distancing God was able to create a nation of people who were taught about healthy living while in the desert. Moses instructed this band of former slaves in all matters of wellness: spiritual, mental, social and physical health.

The Bible tells of many people who choose to self-isolate for wellness and betterment in life. It should be noted that these people had a plan when they went into seclusion. They had a dream of using their time apart from others that would better them. The Bible tells of how Jesus socially distanced himself (and sometimes his disciples) many times. These were to prepare the teacher for times of trials, or when strength is needed.

It appears to me that troublesome days are upon our nation. Many have gone into isolation (by force or by choice). We could all use a plan that will help us come through these days of trial for the better and not for the worse. Spring: Connecting with God tells about things that will make a nation strong in times of crises.

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