Sunday, May 6, 2018

Cool Spring breezes at Yafo

Today’s journey started in Yafo, with a walk to the old city and then breakfast just beyond our apartment. I enjoyed the cool breezes and the quiet morning in the old city.
Viewing the Old Joppa City Square from above
After breakfast we went to meet our group at the airport. There are 90 of us on the trip, 13 from North Carolina. We will enjoy the next two weeks together. Luggage was collected, several people grabbed some lunch at the airport, then we took the bus toward the Palmach Museum.
A visit to the Palmach Museum
The Palmach Museum told the story of several soldiers who took specialized military training together, and afterwards were split apart and experienced service in different parts of the military. We saw how each part of this specialized military force contributed to Israel’s independence.
The declaration from Amos of a future Israeli State
We then went to Independence Hall, where the dream of Zionism was shared, and we were told of the birth of the state of Israel. Our guide said, “This is the place where seventy years ago the nation of Israel was born.” He showed us the UN Partition maps, and played audio clips from David ben Gurion’s speech, Rabbi Fishman-Maimon recitation of the Sheheheyanu (a Jewish blessing of thanksgiving) and the initial performance of Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem.
Close to 150 people learned about Israeli Independence
Our touring activities concluded the day back up on the hill in Old Yafo, where as a group we walked through the narrow streets and saw the old buildings (they look older than they are, but some do date back to the time period of Napoleon.)
Some older remains in Yafo with residences in the background
We also saw the gate built by the Egyptians for Pharaoh Raamses, which genuinely is very old.
The Egyptian Gate to Yafo

We then went up on the hill that overlooks Tel Aviv, and from there departed for our hotel. Tomorrow we journey to the Shefala.

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