Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why Church

Have you ever examined why you attend church?
On a piece of paper (write it down), write briefly why you attend church.
What do you enjoy? What do you not enjoy?
How does going to church help you? When does attendance harm you?
On a scale of 1-5: Rate the music, rate the prayers, rate the liturgy, rate the message.
On a scale of 1-5: Rate your small group, rate your teacher, rate the quality of friendships.
What kind of spiritual or emotional care do you receive from your church?
How often do you pray for friends at church? How often do they pray for you?
How often do you eat a meal with others who attend your church?
If you were in need, could you depend on friends at church to help you?
What is something you learned from church in the last two weeks?
How often do you think of something from church during the rest of the week?
How often do you invite others to your church? Why?
What is your place of service at the church? How is this fulfilling?
How did you come to serve in each position at church?
What is your spiritual gift?
How often do you pray during the week? How often do you read your Bible?
Why is the world better because of your church?
Why are you better because of your church?
How is the world better because you attend church?

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