Saturday, November 12, 2016

NOT NOW! It’s too soon for Christmas!

Many books have a presence in the cyber world on My books are in the company of those of 5,000,000 other authors! The problem with being an author in the United States is that people are reading less and less. I learned while in Israel that per capita more books are printed in Israel than any other country in the world. I need to get my book translated to Hebrew!
I have written books to be read. It takes work to write a book. Although at times the material for the book pops out, and goes on the page easily, it is not in presentable format. Sarah can tell you from proofing my books when I write the tenses I use get all messed up, so what was written needs improvement. The author of a book goes through the book seven or more times to make sure what was written is accurate, to correct spelling and punctuation errors, and to remedy other issues.
I write books because there are things I desire to share, and things that need to be shared. I want people to understand the world of Biblical times. I desire to open doors for people to understand the Jewishness of the New Testament. I want the world to see the reality and truthfulness of scripture. It takes hard work to write a book, and harder work to market a book.
Because Christmas is now only two months away, it is time to recommend my book Advent Journeys to those who are reading this blog. Advent Journeys is enjoyable to read, for yourself or as a gift for you to give. In the pages of this book Sarah and I have worked to bring out the real meaning of Christmas.
Each week during the Christmas season, Advent Journeys invites people to walk with men and women of the Christmas story. The first week, readers will join Zechariah in the Temple. The second week, the reader will walk alongside Joseph and Mary as they journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. On the third week, a shepherd shares what life is like in the fields. During the fourth week, the reader will journey with the Magi from Persia to Bethlehem. The fifth week contains Joseph’s journals from the day he leaves Bethlehem until the time he settles with his family back in Nazareth. The fifth week is shared to help people get ready for the New Year. The book includes a bonus Chanukah week, written through the experiences of a Maccabee. Each day’s presentation includes a short journal and three or four thought ideas and questions.
The books, especially (at this time of year) Advent Journeys, are great reads. Advent Journeys can actually bring someone (if read) a better Christmas.

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