Saturday, August 28, 2010

Prayer - ἐρωτάω - Challenge

Sometimes we challenge things. Jesus’ disciples questioned why many things happened. There were the parables the disciple’s did not understand, and they questioned Jesus; There were situations they saw as they traveled, and they questioned Jesus. (Mk 4:10; Jn 9:2) Sometimes they thought that perhaps things were not in the best interest of Jesus and his band of disciples, like when a Canaanite woman came to him with a request. The disciples said, “send her away.” (Mt 15:23).
Sometimes there is some desperation to have something done. The disciples begged Jesus to heal Peter’s mother in law (Lk 4:38). The people of the Gerarenes begged Jesus to depart from them after they saw the demons go into the pigs. (lk 8:37)
Jesus challenged his disciples with questions: "Who do people say that I am?" (Mt 15:23; 16:13) He challenged them to do things (Lk 5:3)
In the world, we challenge each other, sometimes it is for the best, sometimes it is not. Sometimes it is because we don't understand, sometimes it is because we do not like what we understand. Sometimes it is just because we want something. Other times it is because we need something. The word There were the parables the disciple’s did not understand, and they questioned Jesus. The word ἐρωτάω is used often in our Bible.
The word ἐρωτάω is also used in Prayer. The rich man challenges God to send Lazarus to his house to warn his family about the consequences of not following God (Lk 16:27).
In the Bible most of the ἐρωτάω prayers are uttered by Jesus (Jn 14:16; 16:23, 26; 17:9, 15, 20). The ἐρωτάω prayer of Jesus is a strong prayer, because there is a strong need. It is a challenge (appeal) to meet the need.
And our God who is faithful, indeed meets the need. We can pray the ἐρωτάω also, and God hears.

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