In the immediate past, I feel like i have been forced into a tunnel. This tunnel is a dark, isolated, insulated, cut off zone that can be navigated with a lantern (headlights or a flashlight) if you have one. But all too often individuals are forced into the tunnel with few resources and must grope their way ahead through the dark, hoping there is a way out ... and life will become like normal on the other side.
Autumn colors accent a tunnel on the Blue Ridge Parkway |
So, what has forced us into the tunnel? The three things that come to mind immediately are Covid, Politics, and the economy. Take a minute to honestly think: How has your personal life changed since 1) the political upheavel which has become more and more pronounced during the approach to 2016, 2) during and after the Covid lockdown, 3) during this time of high inflation?
Crop protecting Scarecrow at the Cradle of Forestry |
In the past, I remember a time when political officials of both parties spoke to each other, and to us as the people sensibly. Now that only happens behind the scenes. Our officals have allowed themselves to become a seethig mess of protective platforming to stay in the good graces of their political party ... Can you remember the time when our elected officials used their brains to think through issues, along with their ears (we have 2 of them) and mouth (our one mouth should be used less, and only when the opposition has been heard and the brain has been shifted into gear) in order to come to the best solution to each problem.
Do you remember when politicians spoke to real issues (instead of side issues or smoke screens)? Ads and articles brought out ideas and dwelt on solutions 'if elected,' rather than blatent attacks based on lies or myths about the other candadate. Members of congress are supposed to work together, which cannot happen if there is political baggage. We need to get away from attacking the dummy scarecrow (or effigy), and treat people like souls created in the image of God. (Mt 22:37-40)
A deer resting in the quietness at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery |
Over the past three years, the Covid Pandemic has greatly impacted our lives. can you remember life before the lockdown? Attendance at public events has plumited, and we have yet to find normalcy again.
Our society was infused with lies and misinformation during the pandemic, which many believed was fake ... and the stricken will testify is truth. With a bit of masking, a time of distancing, and total vaccination, much harm could have been avoided. But it was not. And the consequences continue.
In the time of our greatest need leadership (public and private) chose to fight ... rather than find solutions. It was almost as if our nation was forced to take on the character of Rip Van Winkle ... is it safe to wake up? (Psalm 28)
Like the Washington Irving's character, many have lost their heads |
Over the past 10 years, it seems, many people have lost their heads. Deep fissues have developed between individuals who were formerly friends. Our society lives in anger and fear. A veil of darkness has descended upon us stirred by an explosion of inflation. Can we ever be normal?
God thinks so ... in the Bible there are many words of comfort, strength, direction and peace. (When is the last time you really read the Bible ... for the Bible itself, rather than a manipulative sermon ... and prayed for God's truth?) The Bible uses history to display God's presence in the most horific of times, and the Almighty's desire for true believers to find stability amidst society's seismic jolts.
Jesus, in the days leading up to his death and as a prelude to the time period that led up to the devistation of Jerusalem and the loss of the Temple itself said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (Jn 14:27) Take these words to heart ... and find your footing.
The view from above teaches that after every valley there is a beautiful mountaintop! |
It will be ok ... life will continue ... what will your life be like on this side of the tunnel?